Saturday, November 26, 2011


Well I successfully finished my first week ever working a full time job. I work at a restaurant. I also tutor every morning. So I really have a job and a half haha. I'm not going to lie it was exhausting and I already thought about quitting my restaurant job at least 3 times. 

Its just so exhausting. As I keep saying work is just too much work. You are on your feet for 5-10 hours at a time. You have to take orders from your customers, coworkers, and managers. And you have to be nice to everyone, which I usually am but sometimes you just want to yell "are you serious?" But instead you put on a smile and say sure I can do that. Well I guess that's life. 

My new mantra has become "kill with kindness." The meaner someone is to me the nicer I act back. Well I am nice to everyone it just takes a lot more effort when they are mean to you. But its been working pretty well. Work can even be fun sometimes but it really depends on the people you work with and the type of customers you have.

I don't know how people work everyday all day. I just get bored with things too quick. I need a job that's different everyday where I don't have time to get bored. Anywho the beauty of work at this time in my life is that I don't really need to work. I have no rent, bills, or expenses (oh the joy of moving back home). All I'm responsible for is one student loan payment every month. So if I really wanted to I have the luxury of being able to quit at any time, and I love having that power haha. 

Well I got my paycheck yesterday and deposited all my tips and it felt good to actually have money in my bank account. So maybe I'll stick with the job a little longer...


  1. LOVE the octopus! And service jobs suck, but think of it as a character building experience. Plus, you'll have some great stories to break out at dinner parties now :)
